Making those good vibes electric!
We applied for a grant by White River Valley Electric Cooperative. Fingers and hooves crossed they can help us do more amazing things. Wish us luck!
Let’s get our massage on! On horses….cause they have a better life than us. : )
Right Lead Equine with Ashton McNish will be here tomorrow. Massage clinic starts at noon. She will be doing demonstrations and explaining muscle function and causes of lameness and how to prevent soreness.…
We appreciate you so much! Thank you for helping keep the BUCKIN horses in great shape.
Lakey & Lakey joined the BUCKIN Team!
Thank you Lakey & Lakey for supporting our mission. We love yall! And we know you love our crazy!
We welcome MFA to the BUCKIN family!
Thank you MFA for being a Buck Your Club sponsor & supporter in 2022!