“A horse doesn’t care how much you know, until he knows how much you care.”
Thank you to Animal Clinic Of Ava for spending a day with us. We looked for babies, floated teeth, and did overall health exams.
Thank you Right Lead Equine!
Ashton McNish visited us on Saturday to help and evaluate our staff and student horses. It was such a cool experience and it for sure made us believers in equine massage. We are…
Souls on the same journey.
Thank you to a couple of amazing people that donated two gorgeous paint horses and a horse trailer. Wanting change and being change are very different things. With wanting it’s an internal feeling.…
Equine Massage Clinic
We are all so proud of Ashton McNish for getting certified in equine massage. We are celebrating with a clinic! Please contact us for your appointment!
Buckin Brand!
Thank you to Jessica Adkins for branding the herd! Nikki Dougherty captured the exciting moments!
This is how we pray.
Keeping our roads and creek clean teaches the horses patience and tolerance. And makes us people feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Thank you Seirra and Nikki!