Its a rodeo week end!
Join us in Berryville Arkansas at the Carroll Co. Fairgrounds for two nights of bulls, broncs, and barrels with Double B Roughstock Association!
Hump day is my favorite day!
So close to the week end and so far away from Monday. : ) We have one more day of rock picking and then bring on the footing! Nikki had a great lesson…
80 % done yall!
Arena is ready for use! We have made so many updates and changes you gotta come!
Come kill time with us!
We still have alot of work to do but yall are welcome to come visit. The 120×200 arena is set. Footing will be laid within the next few weeks. Training areas are open.…
It’s a rodeo week end!
Nikki Dougherty got some great shots in Mountain View! Join us this week end in Sullivan MO at Kramer Arena!
Ohhh spring, you coming? We feel ya!
We had a full day of wellness checks with Dr. Peters. Ashton didn’t get a break all day from training and lessons. She loved it. Amber is the opposite….her breaks…take breaks…from breaks she…
Arena Gates Are Gonna Be Fab.!
Thank you Red Rock Metal Werks in Ohio for the arena gates decor. We love them!
Leopard Barrel Covers For The Win!
We looked fabulous in Lebanon! Can’t wait to sport these at every rodeo stop!